All tagged fencing

19. Fencing, Part 2

No, I did not improve.

The fencing lessons I took reminded me about the purpose of this adventure quest: trying things out, expanding my orbit, pushing the boundaries of my comfort zone. At the end, I’ll be an “expert dilettante,” not an expert in any one domain. Certainly not in fencing.

It’s hard!

18. Fencing, Part 1

Are you a Princess Bride fan? If so, you’ll recognize the sword fight between Inigo Montoya (Mandy Patinkin) and Westley (at that point in the movie, The Man In Black, played by Cary Elwes) as one of the greatest demonstrations of fencing on film.

Anyone watching wants to do what Patinkin and Elwes can do: dance around, swords clicking in time; feint and thrust; throw their swords in the air and catch them; leap over rocks and up steps; flip in the air over their opponent. The duel is a classic, beautiful work of art.

So can I learn to spar like that, at least a little?
