When in New York City … eat pizza!
Thanks for visiting my blog. I’m documenting my quest to have 60 adventures - one a week for 60 weeks - leading to my 60th birthday. Enjoy!
All in Food and Drink
Who loves mozzarella? The good kind, in the specialty cheese section at the grocery store. The velvety kind that gives a hint of salt to a slice of heirloom tomato and a fresh basil leaf. Ever thought about making it yourself?
I never did until my friend Lysa suggested it. We took a mozzarella making class at Beer and Wine Hobby in Woburn, MA.
When people share an intense emotional experience they form a bond that transcends the usual markers of friendship.
Adopting a child is as intensely emotional as it gets. I consider the people who traveled halfway around the world with me, to meet their daughters when I met mine, like “family.” We don’t see each other often, and some of us have a difficult time understanding one another’s political views - but it doesn’t matter.
Getting together feels sweet, and we don’t do it enough.
So when one of the members of my extended adoption family looked at my Sixty to Sixty list and suggested a tour of the Connecticut Wine Trail, I was all in. Some other moms in our group joined us and off we went for a day of wine tasting, eating, enjoying beautiful scenery, and best of all, catching up, laughing, and commiserating with each other.